With Microsoft their integration of OpenAI's Chat-GPT, start using Bing Webmaster Tools

The last couple of months AI has become a big thing in the world. From the announcement of the public Cha GTP-3 website, which was free to use, to Microsoft buying a majority share of the OpenAI foundation. The world is all into AI right now.

Your favourite search engine

For many of you, the search engine of choice over the last couple of years has probably been Google, just like me. The last couple of months however, Bing has grown. Not just a bit, but quite a lot! Reuters mentioned that page visits have risen 15.8% since Microsoft unveiled the Chat-GPT version of Bing. This of course came to no surprise for the tech world as everyone wanted a taste of this amazing AI Powered Bing. It even went as far as Alphabet having a 1% decline in their page visits.

Why is this important information?

As webdevelopers mostly focus on getting high in the search results of Google and often forget about Bing and other search engines the rise in page visits and the rise in the actual usage of Bing is pretty important.

I would go as far as to say that web developers should start immediately with listing their website in the Bing Webmaster Tools. Chat-GPT and Bing will grow more and more in the upcoming months and years and with Microsoft their integration of AI in all their Office products and in Bing, getting your websites ranked in Bing will become a bigger deal than what it is right now.

On top of all that, Microsoft actually provides you with a couple of usefull tools that will help you optimise your websites SEO wise.

Where to sign up?

Signing up is really simple and straight forward. Go to the Webmaster Tools page of Bing, and click on "Get started". To make it easy, you can sign up with the Google account you use for Google's webmaster tools. After that you will be able to add your domain, and the software will walk you though the setup.

Good luck with listing your website on Bing!